Career planning forum organized by Hong Kong government - Sound system and projection system
Source:     Author: eventplanning    Publish time: 2017-12-29 15:21    3037 Views
Sound system,projection system,Live Shooting and Live Broadcasting Services
Career Planning Forum organized by the Hong Kong Government - Sound System and Projector System, Live Shooting and Live Broadcasting Services

Career planning forum organized by the Hong Kong government - audio system and projector system, live filming and live broadcast services. On the very day, Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, officiated the opening ceremony and presented the award to those who made contributions.

Speech by Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Mrs Carrie Lam

Just arranged sound system
and projector system at the scene

Set a total of four 200-inch projection screens at the scene

Use 6200lm projector for "image overlay" technology to make imaging clearer

The purpose of placing the projector behind the screen projection is to not obstruct the beauty of the front of the scene and the crossing

We have professionals and professional platform to control the sound system and projector system

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